Sometimes, you find a book that seems like something to share, for whatever reason!
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Though she sounds like a bit of a dweeb on occasion, she set herself an interesting proposition. Could she be happier? She didn’t think she was unhappy, but could she be happier? She read lots of books and did research and ultimately set herself on a quest, of sorts. Every month fro a year, she had a topic and a checklist of goals that she wondered if she followed them, or al least investigated them, would she be happier? While she admitted that some people are generally happier than others (or maybe they just seem that way; they are cheerier), was it possible to raise her level of happiness. She takes some hard looks at herself and makes lots of list, personal edicts, and works her way through her year, with varying amounts of success. But she does have some conclusions about what can make you happier: